Summer 2016 Workshops in & Around LA

Join me at one of these marvelous locations in and around Los Angeles this summer to learn a new natural dyeing skill, whether it be hunting for your own wild dyestuffs, or painting and bundle dyeing with plants!

Natural Bundle Dyeing at Makers Mess- sign up here

Sunday June 26- 1-3pm, $90

This workshop will introduce participants to the colorful world of natural dye plants, many of which are dual purpose edibles and have herbal/medicinal properties. You'll learn the water wise, mess free technique of bundle dyeing with natural dye expert and educator Liz Spencer. What's more, you'll learn techniques and actions that set her practice apart from other natural colorists, focusing on sustainability, working with local plants and environmental resiliency. Natural dye basics such as mordanting, extraction, and historical context will also be covered.

You'll be amazed at the colors attainable with natural substances! Each participant will leave with a large bundle dyed silk scarf, resources lists and instructional guide on how to repeat the process at home. No previous dyeing experience necessary.


Painting with Natural Dyes at Mar Vista Art Dept- sign up here

Wednesday July 6 7-9pm, $95

Using only natural dye stuffs and extracts you will gain knowledge and experiment with the direct application of paint onto cloth. The Dogwood Dyer's Liz Spencer will demonstrate the proper methods for achieving wash and light fast results with natural dyes and share her tips and secrets for advanced techniques using natural thickeners and resists. No previous dyeing knowledge necessary. Each participant will leave with various types of fabrics in a palette of natural colors, their own original painting compositions and a handout outlining natural dye painting techniques and recipes to recreate this beautiful art at home.


Local Color: Foraging & Natural Dye Workshop at Wild Mesa Topanga- sign up here

Sunday July 17 12-3:30pm, $110

Get to know the colorful bounty that your local area has to offer by working with fresh plants foraged from and grown in the nearby ecosystem with The Dogwood Dyer's Liz Spencer. Natural dyeing can be fun, but the experience of using seasonal & regionally relevant plants as opposed to pre-extracted and imported powders provides a real connection to this age old process. This class will start with a nature walk where we will explore the surroundings of Wild Mesa Topanga, identify plants and collect plants responsibly for the dyepot.

Students will come away with an understanding of natural dyeing with fresh raw dye stuffs, including the variance of color results from working with different parts of the plant, collected at different times of the harvest season as well as hue and depth change when extracting with hot vs. cold water. Liz will demonstrate her favorite surface design techniques including japanese stitched Shibori, Arashi and Itajime. No previous dyeing knowledge necessary. Each participant will leave with a folio palette of regional color swatches in various sustainable fibers, a finished 35 x 35" silk scarf dyed with local color as well as informational handouts on how to repeat the process at home with local plants.